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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Boo Who?

Even though Thomas hasn't caught on to the concept, he and I traded knock-knock jokes last night as I prepared supper. Of course I told the "boo" joke. Several nonsensical jokes later, he pulled this one on me:

Thomas: Knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
Thomas: Squirrel.
Me: Squirrel who?
Thomas: Don't cry!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bike trailer

Around four years ago, we bought a used bike trailer (a Burley. Maybe this one; I'm not sure). It sat in the garage, gathering dust, until last night. We got it for Thomas; two little sisters later, and it finally saw the road. It's lucky we did it now, because Thomas is almost too big now to ride in it.

The tires were flat, of course, and we don't have the owner's manual. Still, it only took a little while to pump some air and figure out how to unfold the trailer, put on the wheels, and attach it to a bike. It seems like a really good design. The hitch in particular is ingenious.

The girls took the first ride while Thomas rode his own bike. Ava tired of it after a while (mostly the helmet, I suspect), so she went back home with Mommy, and I wedged Thomas in with Johanna. They fit, but there's not much room to spare.

I'm hoping to use it more than once every four years.


Turns out I'm older than the Pillsbury Doughboy. The Michelin Man is much older.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Bob Roll, in his daily Tour de France report describing how Lance Armstrong crushed his main rivals today, said "The wienerschnitzel is bitter indeed."

Monday, July 11, 2005

Mad Dogs and Englishmen claims that the high temperature here yesterday was 84°F. Well, I was out running at about 1:30, and I don't believe it. I was on the fitness trail along I-29, and where the trail dips down just southeast of Rainbow Play Systems, it was an oven. I could see the flag at Rainbow flying straight out from the wind, but at the bottom of that little hill, there wasn't the slightest breeze. It had to be near 100°F. Normally, I'm pretty slow, but today I may have set a new standard.
