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Friday, April 21, 2006

Kilt her a squirr'l when she was only three

I've been sitting on this story for two days, trying to come up with a way to tell it that isn't creepy, but I don't think there's a way. So here goes.

On Wednesday, Ava & Johanna were out playing on the deck, and Tami & Thomas were inside. Tami heard crying from outside, and figured that the girls were fighting over a toy or something. Ava came inside, saying "Bird!" Johanna was still outside, crying, so Tami went out to check on her. Johanna was sitting on her little plastic trike with her feet way up in the air, saying "Squirrel!"

Tami thought maybe a squirrel had been running along the handrail of the deck, as they like to do, and scared the girls. But as she approached, Tami saw why Johanna was crying, and why her feet were up in the air: pinned under the front wheel of the tricycle was a small, dead squirrel.

As you might expect, Johanna was a little upset. She seems OK now, though, and has since told us that she thought the squirrel looked like it was wearing a hat (?), and that it also looked like it had a raspberry on it (blood?).


  • At 6:25 PM , Rebecca said...

    Emma found this on the internet. She was quite excited and was screaming "Mommy, LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" Ingrid was shocked. That is quite an amazing story.

    Oh well, no time to dwell on this tragic incident right now. We're off to the opening night of the Music Man starring Alison as Marian the Librian. And Emma as a town girl. It should be interesting. The kid that plays the mayor was suspended today for fighting and so is unable to perform.

    I can't wait to share the squirrel story with Alison . . . Eee Gads!!!!!


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